AI Dungeon Review

There’s this wonderful little app called AI dungeon. It operates somewhat like a text-based adventure or choose-your-own-adventure book, except the narrative isn’t predetermined to a set number of paths.

You can say something; you can act; and you can write passages of narration. The AI than responds with a passage that you can respond to again.

The AI at this point wouldn’t pass the Turing Test. It clearly lacks an understanding of how the world works.

You can blow a person’s head apart and continue to have a conversation with them. At times it struggles with gender, especially during the act of copulation. Spatial challenges. There’s a lot of going inside of cars and then walking outside of a house. Or getting into the car and driving off and then getting into the car. In mid conversation the other person is saying what logically you should be saying. (that last one might have been fixed in the latest iteration)

Now, having said that, it is a lot of fun and enjoyable. You can just embrace the absurdness and run with it. You can try to manage the AI by what you input to get a something less nonsensical, whether it be a conventional plot driven story or something more experimental. AI Dungeon allows you to redo AI responses or edit them. I tend to be light on the editing, because I think the quirkiness of it all is part of the app’s charm.

You can a look at some of my masterpieces here:

AI Dungeon Masterpieces

And if you want to create your own, you can download the app on Android or IOS, or go here: